Question about RCS check-in

Stuart Levy slevy at
Sun Jun 17 15:07:47 AEST 1990

Yes.  The effect on 'make' of checking RCS'd files in/out really annoyed me.
I modified ci & co to optionally preserve the mod date: on checkin, to
(a) keep the source file modification date unchanged and (b) set the
RCS revision date = source file's mod date; on checkout, to set
checked-out file's mod date = RCS revision date.  Works great.

Walter Tichy argued this shouldn't be the default behavior, though;
if you have a source file on hand, then check out an older revision,
you'd *want* make to remake anything depending on that file.

It appears I'm not the only one to do this; Silicon Graphics' rcs package has
an option which does the same thing, just uses a different option letter (-M).

I can send source diffs (against RCS version 3 or 4) for the mods if you like.

	Stuart Levy, Geometry Group, University of Minnesota
	slevy at, (612) 624-1867

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