salary/job survey

Gary Heston gary at sci34hub.UUCP
Fri Jun 29 01:02:22 AEST 1990

In article <4839 at> shadow at (Kyoki-san) writes:
>My boss asked me to post this survey to see if the salaries for our Unix
>Technical Support group are competitive.  

>Unix System Administrator, 1 year experience, $31k

You'll need to define what you're paying your admin to do, and what
(if any) other background they have to have.

There was a posting in a day or so ago that wanted
a MSCS for an admin position.... It was Disney, though, so don't
call unless you want to shave. :-)

Do your admins write device drivers for new peripherals? Do they just
install packaged software and make backups? How much technical support
must they provide to users? How many users are there, on how large a
system? Is there a network, with multiple systems, using a mixture
of platforms? Other duties? 

Then, of course, there's the regional cost of living to consider--
an admin here in Huntsville won't pull as much as someone in
Silicon Valley, because houses here cost $50K instead of $200K.

Please clarify; an analogous question would be "how much does a
pilot make?" without specifying whether he's flying a Piper Cub
or a Boeing 747....

BTW, most companies (mine included) prohibit employees from 
disclosing salary. I don't know a good way for you to handle that.

    Gary Heston     { uunet!sci34hub!gary  }    System Mismanager
   SCI Technology, Inc.  OEM Products Department  (i.e., computers)
"The esteemed gentleman says I called him a liar. That's true, and I
regret it." Retief, a character created by Keith Laumer.

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