SCO Unix booting problem

Deryk Barker DBarker at
Fri Jun 15 10:48:15 AEST 1990

Further  to  my  original  message:  I  had  several discussions with SCO tech
support  who  could shed no light on this whatsoever.  One thing I did notice,
quite serendipitously, was that the locking/non-locking of the keyboard seemed
to  be  related  to  the moment when I first tried to press a key.  There is a
brief  window  which  lasts  approximately  from the point at which the system
announces  its  copyright  notices  to  the  point  at  which it announces the
bootload  device:  touch a key during that window and YOU'RE DEAD.  The system
comes  up  OK  and will run quite happily as long as you don't wish to use the
keyboard.   As long as you keep your ****ing paws off the keyboard during this
window  everything is AOK.  SCO tech support confirm that this also happens on
one  of  their  in-house  systems, but it doesn't happen with Xenix.  You have
been warned...

 Deryk Barker,
 Jupiter Software,
 Victoria, BC

"Send Lawyers, guns and money,
 Dad, get me out of this"

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