Looking for balanced critique of Perl

Marc Evans evans at decvaxdec.com
Thu Jun 28 03:37:07 AEST 1990

In article <8497 at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>, lwall at jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV
(Larry Wall) writes:
|> (However, I do have a complaint against people that don't know how to
|> use the / key on a manual page--presuming their pager knows about the
|> / key.  With many of the questions that people ask in comp.lang.perl,
|> I just search through the man page using the very keyword they used,
|> and find the thing right there in the manual.  People really don't know
|> how to use computers yet.  Sigh.)

There is an midnight effort inside of DEC ULTRIXland to convert the manual page
for perl to DEC's bookreader format (kind of a hypertext reader with lots of
cross referencing). The / and ? mechanisms of more/less are great, but
is a whole lot quicker (IMHO).

- Marc
Marc Evans - WB1GRH - evans at decvax.DEC.COM  | Synergytics     (603)635-8876
      Unix and X Software Contractor        | 21 Hinds Ln, Pelham, NH 03076

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