But I don't wanna do non-blocking I/O...

Guy Harris guy at auspex.auspex.com
Sat Jun 16 04:34:05 AEST 1990

>form, they won't mention the subject; anyway, the code works find on
>Ultrix, since I figured out that PMAX/Ultrix doesn't do non-blocking I/O.

I presume you mean "Ultrix doesn't turn non-blocking mode on if you open
with O_NDELAY", which is, I suspect, correct; Ultrix "started with BSD",
so it does things BSD-style.

>I can hardly wait for the Sys/5.4 release.

At which point the thing to do is probably to completely forget about
O_NDELAY and use O_NONBLOCK instead, since that's in POSIX and there is
therefore at least *some* pressure to make everybody do it the same way;
4.4BSD should also support O_NONBLOCK and do so the same way S5R4 does.

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