Looking for info on tape drives

Mark Frost humtech at ucschu.ucsc.edu
Sat Mar 17 14:24:44 AEST 1990

Hello. I'm looking for some info/advice regarding tape backup units.

We have an ISI V16 UNIX machine which currently is using a Northern
Telecom "Flashback" 1/4" tape drive. Using this drive it takes roughly
10 tapes to back up 600-700 megabytes (it also takes about 3-4 hours).
We are interested in finding something else - hopefully something faster
and more compact (i.e. fewer tapes).

I've heard recommendations for Exabyte. I also had one recommendation for
a DAT backup mechanism. I'm interested in experiences anyone has had with
these storage devices or possibly even something else in the tape-drive
department that might suit our needs.

Please respond via email.


Mark Frost
	Office of the the Computing Coordinator
	Humanities Division
	University of California at Santa Cruz
	Santa Cruz, California 95064
	(408) 459-4603
Internet: humtech at ucschu.UCSC.EDU
Bitnet: humtech at ucschu.bitnet
Uucp: ...!ucbvax!ucscc!ucschu!humtech

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