Large Unix, SysV.4 for Sperry

Tom Littauer littauer at
Fri Mar 23 12:03:06 AEST 1990

In article <22847 at adm.BRL.MIL> archunix at (Bernie J. Potter) writes:
>Encore's Multimax 300's (4-40 mips) and 500's (17-170 mips).
>Amdahl's 5890,5980, or 5990 machines, using UTS (5-100 mips).

A word of caution here... as I'm sure you know, MIPS stands for
Meaningles Indicator of Processor Speed. You can be burned badly
by listening to mips numbers when you cross architecture boundaries
since there is rarely any correspondence.

In the 370 (mainframe) world, there are independent companies keeping
the vendors honest. This doesn't exist in the UNIX world, so you get
all kinds of bizaare claims. The SPEC folks are a step in the right
direction (multiple benchmarks with varying workloads) but your mileage
will definitely vary.
UUCP:  littauer at
  or:  {sun,decwrl,hplabs,pyramid,ames,uunet}!amdahl!littauer
DDD:   (408) 737-5056
USPS:  Amdahl Corp.  M/S 278,  1250 E. Arques Av,  Sunnyvale, CA 94086

I'll tell you when I'm giving you the party line. The rest of the time
it's my very own ravings (accept no substitutes).

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