gettytab, entries f0, f1 & f2

Thomas Omerzu omerzu at
Thu Feb 14 07:13:17 AEST 1991

A little but nasty problem:

All bsd-based Unix-Implementations of getty (at least as far as known to me)
support gettytab attributes f0, f1 and f2.

According to TFM(gettytab) they take numeric values, where f0, f1 & f2
represent the tty mode flags "to write messages", "to read login name",
and "to leave terminal in".

"... Terminal modes to be used for the output of the message,
for input of the login name, and to leave ther terminal set as upon
completion, are derived from the Boolean flags specified. If the derivation
should prove inadequate, any (or all) of these three may be overridden
with one of the f0, f1, or f2 numeric specifications, which can be
used to specify (usually in octal, with a leading 0) the exact values
of the flags. Local (new tty) flags are set in the top 16 bits of this
(32-bit) value. ..."  [ From Dec Ultrix V4.0 Ref. Man. Vol 6 ]

Now my question: how do the terminal mode flags (as know from termio or stty)
correspond to the bits in f0 (or f1, f2)?

Obviously it cannot be a 1:1 corresponency, since the struct termio
contains 4 short values (c_iflag, c_oflag, c_cflag, c_lflag),
or - in other words - 64 bits.

Any ideas/experiences anyone?

I was trying to use this on a DECstation 5000/200 running Ultrix 4.0,
although other vendors seem not to supply much more information.

Thanks in advance for your help,

   Thomas Omerzu.       Internet: omerzu at
    Quantum GmbH        Bitnet:   omerzu%quando at UNIDO.bitnet
  Dortmund,Germany      UUCP:     ...!unido!quando!omerzu

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