I have a file named "-"

Rodney Peck II rodney at sun.ipl.rpi.edu
Thu Feb 28 03:29:15 AEST 1991

>In article <6661 at idunno.Princeton.EDU> pfalstad at phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Paul Falstad) writes:
>>Ask a coworker!?!  Please, please; let's at least answer the question
>>before tempers get out of control.
>>If you have a file that simply has a '/' in it, you can
>>just quote the slash:
>>   rm "/"

"No, that's wrong," he said wondering when this would ever end.

I like the "ask a coworker" idea.  But if that isn't good enough, at least
don't give answers like this that are blatently incorrect.  Go ahead and 
make a file called / and try to do anything to it with quotes around the
/.  You can try '/', "/", './/', \/ and any other quoting you like, but
it simply will not work.

The answer to get around '-' as the first char is to get something else in
front of the -.  Generally, the answer is "rm ./-".

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