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Subject: UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V12#020
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Date: Sat, 16 Feb 91 05:45:03 EST
From: Mike Muuss The Moderator <Unix-Wizards-Request at BRL.MIL>
Subject: UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V12#020
Sender: Unix-Wizards Mailing List <UNIX-WIZ at NDSUVM1.BITNET>
To: "Brian D. Goecke" <bd6%MKVAX1.DECNET at MSUS1.BITNET>
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UNIX-WIZARDS Digest Sat, 16 Feb 1991 V12#020
Today's Topics:
Finding tape block size
Re: Finding tape block size
Re: Stuck-up Wizards (Re: Summary and Fix for "slashes in filenames")
Re: Stuck-up Wizards
Re: Loading and Executing Object Code at Runtime
Re: SIGCONT occurs after a SIGTERM
Re: Help! There's a slash '/' in my filename.
Re: Putenv() & Getenv() Bug ?
converting termcap to termlib
Re: Counting FLOPS
From: Anthony DeBoer <adeboer at gjetor.geac.com>
Subject: Finding tape block size
Date: 12 Feb 91 22:43:53 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
I periodically get tapes from client's systems or other sources where the
precise tape format isn't documented. What I'm looking to find out is if
there's a way to determine exactly what block size was used when the tape was
written, or even if this is a major requirement (should I even be worrying
about it or not?). Reading with a tasteful default value usually seems to
work (even a 512-byte block size has worked before, although at tremendous
loss of efficiency), but I'm wondering if there's any chance of data loss with
the wrong block size, or any rule of thumb for optimizing things.
I have several systems here, so as far as naming my hardware/software
configuration goes I'll just mention the Unisys 6000/50 running SVR3.0 with a
150meg QIC drive. And I shouldn't forget the old Convergent Technologies
Anthony DeBoer NAUI#Z8800 | adeboer at gjetor.geac.com | Programmer (n): One who
Geac J&E Systems Ltd. | uunet!geac!gjetor!adeboer | makes the lies the
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | #include <disclaimer.h> | salesman told come true.
From: George Robbins <grr at cbmvax.commodore.com>
Subject: Re: Finding tape block size
Date: 16 Feb 91 05:17:06 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <1991Feb12.224353.6514 at gjetor.geac.COM> adeboer at gjetor.geac.COM
(Anthony DeBoer) writes:
> I periodically get tapes from client's systems or other sources where the
> precise tape format isn't documented. What I'm looking to find out is if
> there's a way to determine exactly what block size was used when the tape was
> written, or even if this is a major requirement (should I even be worrying
> about it or not?). Reading with a tasteful default value usually seems to
> work (even a 512-byte block size has worked before, although at tremendous
> loss of efficiency), but I'm wondering if there's any chance of data loss with
> the wrong block size, or any rule of thumb for optimizing things.
dd if=/dev/nrmt* of=diskfile bs=65535 count=1 ; ls -l diskfile ...
- or -
dd if=/dev/nrmt* bs=65535 count=1 | wc -c
Different tape devices have different characteristics. A sun type cartridge
tape is insensitive to blocksize (except as a performance issue), traditional
raw 9-track tapes may well lose data...
George Robbins - now working for, uucp: {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing: domain: grr at cbmvax.commodore.com
Commodore, Engineering Department phone: 215-431-9349 (only by moonlite)
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at smoke.brl.mil>
Subject: Re: Finding tape block size
Date: 16 Feb 91 05:34:24 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <1991Feb12.224353.6514 at gjetor.geac.COM> adeboer at gjetor.geac.COM
(Anthony DeBoer) writes:
>... if there's a way to determine exactly what block size was used when the
>tape was written, or even if this is a major requirement (should I even be
>worrying about it or not?).
Assuming your tape subsystem conforms to long-established UNIX practice,
if the read() system call specifies a read count less than the actual
block size when reading the "raw tape" device (which is the usual one),
you should get an I/O error since data will be lost. (If you're trying
to read a "tar" or "cpio" archive, and data ever does get silently lost,
you should see archive checksum comparison errors.) For read counts
in excess of the block size, read() returns the actual amount of data
read, not the requested size. Therefore the usual practice is to try to
read using an over-generous allocation for the input buffer, which should
not introduce any significant amount of inefficiency.
If you have an oddball device driver or hardware, you may be out of luck.
From: "Blair P. Houghton" <bhoughto at pima.intel.com>
Subject: Re: Stuck-up Wizards (Re: Summary and Fix for "slashes in filenames")
Date: 13 Feb 91 21:21:06 GMT
Sender: news at inews.intel.com
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <=H_&Z9#@rpi.edu> rodney at sun.ipl.rpi.edu (Rodney Peck II) writes:
>You've missed the point. I don't think that most of the flame here is
>because someone asked how to get rid of a file with a '/' in it. It is
>instead because of all the people who are offering wrong answers.
>This exact argument went though this group last year with basically the
>same results.
Those who do not learn from history are numerous and reproductive;
so, what's your point?
>The point is -- this is supposed to be a place where people who really
>actually guarenteed know the answer to some difficult question will answer
>you. cuw is not the place for people to throw in their two cents. There's
>a whole other tree that was created for just that purpose.
And which might that be?
I've seen plenty of comp.unix.internals/wizards threads
that were valuable only after a large number of people had
tweaked the solution. That's how problems get solved.
Anyone who is capable of solving problems alone isn't
hanging around playing pinochle and kibbitzing about
slashes in filenames.
And, some questions have no answer, only answer-determining
algorithms, with many decision points, with many options,
depending on the systems under which the algorithms are to be
implemented. I'd rather have fifty short, half-right answers
and a clue than one, dead-right answer and be left with the
need to post asking what the answer means on my platform.
Someone posted something incorrect? Welcome to the planet
Earth. Say it's wrong, say what's right, give us all some
sleep. (Pardon my hypocrisy; someone's gotta sacrifice so
that others may gain, and I have little to lose. (Hi, Doug! :-))
>and finally, just because a question comes back again and again, doesn't
>mean that all the wrong answers have to be dragged out again.
As a tautology, that would be correct, if only because
asking a repeated question can't prevent a wrong answer.
However, it's likely that if the question didn't get into
everyone's knowledge, the correct answer couldn't have,
either. In fact, if in the standard methodology the answer
is hidden but necessary, then the question must eventually
be deduced, but the answer -- right or wrong -- would have
to wait for the question before it could be produced.
>if someone wants to say "hey I read these answers in
>the faq, and I didn't see this idea .... why won't this work?" -- that,
>in my opinon, would be fine.
Elitism is no defense for flaming this poor slob:
"Hey, I've been reading this group far longer than my
employer and I think is valuable (must be ten minutes, at
least), and I haven't come across this question, and I'm on
a deadline and ... how do I get back rm'ed files?"
Any question has essentially that same etiology, even if
the deadline is only for personal reasons, or economics is
only a minor cause.
If you had the time and character to wait for the truth to
come to you, or the resources to attract it irresistably,
you wouldn't need question marks at all.
Anyone who asks "What's a FAQ?" without first having heard
of one is clairvoyant.
>in summary -- it's not a question of people being out of line. it's a
>question of being considerate when you offer advice to someone who is
>expecting your answer to work.
The general admonition for that is to test it yourself.
But even that is a lesson that requires experience to
prove its economy.
"You don't. You weep for their
unlinking and pray that it's on
the backups and you can find a
good hypnotist to help you type
in your changes again."
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at smoke.brl.mil>
Subject: Re: Stuck-up Wizards
Date: 16 Feb 91 05:27:44 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <2509 at inews.intel.com> bhoughto at pima.intel.com (Blair P. Houghton)
>>cuw is not the place for people to throw in their two cents. There's
>>a whole other tree that was created for just that purpose.
>And which might that be?
Comp.unix.questions, which you presumably know since you posted to
both groups. Come on, get with the program!
Subject: Re: Loading and Executing Object Code at Runtime
Date: 14 Feb 91 07:22:52 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In an article, flan at cics.Berkeley.EDU (Ian Flanigan) writes:
>I tried posting this to comp.unix.questions first, but as I got no answer
>I figured this must be a Wizard level question:
>I'm wondering how to load an object file (my_functions.o) at execution
>time and execute a function contained therein. I know this is possible
>since many flavors of LISP allow you to compile your functions and then
>load the compiled versions later.
When you are talking about compiling functions and loading the compiled
versions later, are you talking about using a linkage editor to build
a runable image?
If you're trying to do what it looks like you're trying to do, the answer
is "you can't get there from here." You would have open the object file,
load the function within the context of the current process (a real trick),
allocate the core for data, stack, and bbs, push the stack frame, and
jump to the address of this arbitrary function. Just ain't no way you
can be doin' this in user mode.
Michael Stefanik | Opinions stated are not even my own.
Systems Engineer, Briareus Corporation | UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
technoignorami (tek'no-ig'no-ram`i) a group of individuals that are constantly
found to be saying things like "Well, it works on my DOS machine ..."
From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist at convex.com>
Subject: Re: Loading and Executing Object Code at Runtime
Date: 15 Feb 91 17:30:24 GMT
Sender: news access account <usenet at convex.com>
Nntp-Posting-Host: pixel.convex.com
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
>From the keyboard of uunet!bria!mike:
:If you're trying to do what it looks like you're trying to do, the answer
:is "you can't get there from here." You would have open the object file,
:load the function within the context of the current process (a real trick),
:allocate the core for data, stack, and bbs, push the stack frame, and
:jump to the address of this arbitrary function. Just ain't no way you
:can be doin' this in user mode.
Never say never. It certainly is on some architectures. Just malloc or
mmap in some pages as RWX, then load the position-independently compiled
functions in there from disk, and call through a function pointer. There
are also overlay schemes available -- that's what I used to do on Z80
machines. You could also use overlays on PDP-11's.
Tom Christiansen tchrist at convex.com convex!tchrist
"All things are possible, but not all expedient." (in life, UNIX, and perl)
From: Guy Harris <guy at auspex.auspex.com>
Subject: Re: Loading and Executing Object Code at Runtime
Date: 15 Feb 91 23:11:31 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
>A quite widespread hideous idiosyncratic restriction is that on
>some architectures, notably the 386, you can't execute out of data
What's "data space", and how is it different from any other sort of
space? (Most UNIX systems run with a flat address space on 386es. PTEs
on the 386 only have a "writable" bit.)
From: "Brandon S. Allbery KB8JRR" <allbery at ncoast.org>
Subject: Re: SIGCONT occurs after a SIGTERM
Date: 15 Feb 91 00:56:23 GMT
Followup-To: comp.unix.questions
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
As quoted from <7103 at fs1.cam.nist.gov> by coleman at cam.nist.gov (Sean Sheridan
Coleman X5672):
| Please explain to me why a SIGCONT is sent to a process after
| SIGTERM is sent to my process. It doesn't compute because TERM
Being suspended, it wouldn't execute the signal handler unless it were
continued. Also, I think the exit processing in the kernel needs this.
(So why does the SIGCONT handler run after the SIGTERM handler? Because
signal handlers are invoked in signal-number order.)
(BSD folks feel free to correct me.)
Me: Brandon S. Allbery VHF/UHF: KB8JRR on 220, 2m, 440
Internet: allbery at NCoast.ORG Packet: KB8JRR @ WA8BXN
America OnLine: KB8JRR AMPR: KB8JRR.AmPR.ORG []
uunet!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!ncoast!allbery Delphi: ALLBERY
From: Robert Claeson <prc at erbe.se>
Subject: Re: Help! There's a slash '/' in my filename.
Date: 15 Feb 91 08:11:41 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <BZS.91Feb14043317 at world.std.com> bzs at world.std.com (Barry Shein)
>From: s082 at brems.ii.uib.no
>>Just one thing: Why would anyone want a slash (or any such character) a
>>filename in the first place?
>Perhaps the file name was in Norwegian? :-)
>Doesn't norwegian use o-slash and all that?
Yes, but it's o-slash as a single seven-bit or eight-bit character and
not an "o" followed by a slash.
Robert Claeson
Disclaimer: I represent myself and not my employer.
From: Erik Naggum <enag at ifi.uio.no>
Subject: Re: Help! There's a slash '/' in my filename.
Date: 15 Feb 91 09:15:08 GMT
Sender: Erik Naggum <enag at ifi.uio.no>
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <BZS.91Feb14043317 at world.std.com>, Barry Shein writes:
> From: s082 at brems.ii.uib.no
> >Just one thing: Why would anyone want a slash (or any such character) a
> >filename in the first place?
> Perhaps the file name was in Norwegian? :-)
I fail to see the humor in this.
> Doesn't norwegian use o-slash and all that?
Norwegian does overload (as per ISO 646) [\]{|} into (ISO 8859-1 alert)
FXEfxe, but / remains /. Norwegians may actually use - or . to
separate the parts of the date spec, so you might be better off with
one of us Viking descendants... (Presently, I'm glad that we did not
inherit their Runes, even though the winter weather outside is
reminiscent of the Fimbulvinter we will see shortly before, or was it
after, the end of the world.)
My parents were fortunately smart enough to choose a family name
without any of the "national" characters, and to give me a name without
any of them, too, which might or might not have been caused by a quite
astonishing amount of foresight. I've already decided on a dedication
line for any books I might produce:
To my parents, who kindly avoided F, X, and E in my name.
Finally, I hope this makes it out with the ISO 8859-1 intact. If not,
some of you might wonder what's so special with F, X and E.
[Erik Naggum] <enag at ifi.uio.no>
Naggum Software, Oslo, Norway <erik at naggum.uu.no>
From: Jenner <Jenner at uswnvg.uucp>
Subject: Re: Help! There's a slash '/' in my filename.
Date: 16 Feb 91 05:22:04 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <1991Feb13.120201.13608 at eik.ii.uib.no>, s082 at brems.ii.uib.no writes:
> There seems to be a rather lengthy discussion going on about slashes in
> filenames,
> how to get them there, and whether to ask questions about them...
> Just one thing: Why would anyone want a slash (or any such character) a
> filename in the first place?
Maybe they didn't. How bout this sceniero.
person types: foo/bar and hits return
wanted to type: foo.bar and hit return
look at your keyboard. it is possible.
"Users. If we could only keep 'em off the machine."
jenner .....................................dfpedro at uswnvg.UUCP
*Disclaimer? You bet! I speak for myself only.*
From: "S. A. Rasche" <scrs_ltd at uhura.cc.rochester.edu>
Subject: 'Talk' off campus
Date: 15 Feb 91 13:42:54 GMT
Sender: scrs_ltd at uhura.cc.rochester.edu
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
Does anyone know how to get the 'talk' command to work off campus??
I have used it on the University of Rochester campus, but when I try to
'talk' to someone at let's say Ga. Tech, it doesn't work. I try
'talk gt7164b at prism.gatech.edu' but nothing happens or I get a response saying
that they are an unknown host or something like that.
Can anyone in this news group help me????
Thanks a bunch,
--Tip your bartenders - Tip your friends--
Kevn Kinney
From: "Conor P. Cahill" <cpcahil at virtech.uucp>
Subject: Re: Putenv() & Getenv() Bug ?
Date: 15 Feb 91 14:03:09 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
borzieri at KING.ICO.OLIVETTI.COM (Ivan Borzieri) writes:
>in the first c module I call the system function "putenv()" which should
>set a variable in the environment.
>In the second c module I call the system function "getenv()" to read
>the value of the previous set variable.
the problem is *PROBABLY* that you are using a local variable in the
call to putenv. local data is lost when you return from the function
and thereafter unavailable. the putenv(3) man page states that you
shouldn't do this.
The argument to putenv should point to a static data area or a malloc'd
data area.
All this is predicated on the fact that both modules (the one calling
putenv and the one calling getenv) are called from the same executable.
Conor P. Cahill (703)430-9247 Virtual Technologies, Inc.
uunet!virtech!cpcahil 46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160
Sterling, VA 22170
Subject: Re: Putenv() & Getenv() Bug ?
Date: 16 Feb 91 02:25:54 GMT
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In an article, KING.ICO.OLIVETTI.COM!borzieri (Ivan Borzieri) writes:
>I wrote two c modules called by a fortran main.
>in the first c module I call the system function "putenv()" which should
>set a variable in the environment.
>In the second c module I call the system function "getenv()" to read
>the value of the previous set variable.
>The value returned by getenv() is NULL, id est, that variable
>doesn't exist.
>Now my question is : is this right ?
I have found putenv() to be particuarly annoying, and wonderfully inconsistent
in implementation. For example, not all putenv()'s guarantee that the
newly created variable is inherited by child processes.
Try this ditty to see if your putenv() is broken:
#include <stdio.h>
printf("FOO=%s\n",(char *)getenv("FOO"));
if ( fork() )
When you run this program, you should see "FOO=BAR" and then a shell
prompt; type "echo $FOO" and you should get "BAR". Press CTRL-D to jump
out of the subshell. If you don't get this kind of response, I would
consider your putenv() broken.
If it is broken, then write some subroutines to handle the environment
yourself (_environ is a pointer to an array of pointers to char's that
is the current environment). Use execle() or execve() to pass your own
table to a child process. If you need more specific information on
doing this type of thing, send me mail, and I'll help.
>I know that in C-Shell scripts, when you set variables you loose them
>as you exit the script.
>Is it the same or this is a operating system bug ?
Neither. Is is a "problem" with the way that the putenv() and getenv()
subroutines are implemented. Shell variables are "lost" because scripts
are executed in subshells.
Golden rule: No child process may modify its parent's environment.
Hope this helps.
Michael Stefanik, MGI Inc., Los Angeles| Opinions stated are not even my own.
Title of the week: Systems Engineer | UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
Remember folks: If you can't flame MS-DOS, then what _can_ you flame?
From: "E. L. Salant" <salantel at wsqtb9.crd.ge.com>
Subject: converting termcap to termlib
Keywords: termcap termlib tic
Date: 15 Feb 91 19:17:35 GMT
Sender: news at crdgw1.crd.ge.com
Followup-To: comp.unix.wizards
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
I am trying to run a cursesX application on our new DecStation 5000, and have
found that there is no termlib entry for xterm. I therefore took the
termcap entry and did a tic -v on it. While the tic command seemed to work ok
(it created an xterm directory in /usr/lib/terminfo/x), when I try running
my application I get
"Sorry, I don't know how to deal with your 'xterm' terminal" coming from
Why isn't it finding the xterm entry in termlib??
Please respond directly to me and thanks for your help
- Eliot Salant
From: Doug Gwyn <gwyn at smoke.brl.mil>
Subject: Re: Counting FLOPS
Date: 15 Feb 91 19:31:44 GMT
Followup-To: comp.unix.questions
To: unix-wizards at sem.brl.mil
In article <5025 at umbc3.UMBC.EDU> rouben at math9.math.umbc.edu writes:
>How does one count the number of floating point operations (flops) during
>the execution of a C program?
I for one would have to know exactly what is meant by a "FLOP".
I'm not being facetious; there is considerable truth to the saying
that "there are lies, damned lies, and benchmarks". (Originally
"statistics" was the third category, but it was adapted for modern
purposes.) On all computing architectures known to me, different
floating-point operations take different amounts of time, sometimes
in fact dependent on the content of the data being operated on;
thus an measure such as "FLOPs per second" is not a very well-
defined quantity. On the other hand, in some implementations that
I know of, the floating-point processor is involved in executing
some operations on what would probably be considered "integer" data;
is it intended that those operations be counted or excluded?
It may be that your best bet would be to rely on total time required
to perform some lengthy computation (perhaps numerous iterations of
some shorter computation), rather than number of operations as such.
End of UNIX-WIZARDS Digest
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