Is "line -t n" common?

Hershel Belkin belkin at teecs.UUCP
Thu Jan 31 08:10:18 AEST 1991

A simple question perhaps, but can anyone tell me if the "-t"
option is "standard" on the "line" command, or is it an extension
added by HP on HP-UX?  It provides for a "time-out" termination of
the command if nothing is  line -t 5  will wait 
about 5 seconds for a response, then exit with returned status of "1"
indicating that no input was read.

Although this option works on HP-UX, it is undocumented even in their
manuals!  I'd like to use it, but might opt not to if this is
non-standard (or at least not common :-)

Thanks for any insights!

| Hershel Belkin               hp9000/825(HP-UX)| UUCP: teecs!belkin      |
| Test Equipment Engineering Computing Services |Phone: 416 249-1231 x2647|
| Litton Systems Canada Limited       (Toronto) |  FAX: 416 246-5233      |

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