SYS V - What is Inode 1 ?

mike at bria.UUCP mike at bria.UUCP
Sun Jan 20 15:54:23 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jan19.123830.8859 at> micromuse!peter (Peter Galbavy) writes:
>For a while now I have been trying to find out - for no good reason -
>what inode 1 is reserved for in ATT SYSV. Whether the same is true for
>other UN*X's I do not know, but whatever V.2 or V.3 release I have
>seen, the root directory of a file system is always (as far as I have
>seen) inode 2.
>I remember finding a quote along the lines of 'inode 1 is reserved for
>future use' in a manual somewhere.

I've noticed this too ... my manual claims "The first inode (i-node 1) on
every filesystem is unnamed and unused".

I wonder why ...
Michael Stefanik, Systems Engineer (JOAT), Briareus Corporation
UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
technoignorami (tek'no-ig'no-ram`i) a group of individuals that are constantly
found to be saying things like "Well, it works on my DOS machine ..."

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