Can you recommend a good OS book?

Frank D. Malczewski fdm at WLV.IMSD.CONTEL.COM
Sat Jun 22 04:52:14 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jun21.145635.21731 at> jasonc at (Jason Chen) writes:
>	Try "The Design and Implementation of the 4.3 BSD UNIX Operatine
>System" by Leffler, Mckusick, Karels, and Quarterman (ISBN 0-201-06196-1).
>There is a answer book for the book.  Another book is "The Design of the 
>UNIX Operating System" by Bach (ISBN 0-13-201799-7).

I believe something a little more basic was what is being sought.
In terms of basic OS books, try the one by Deitel on for size; it may or
may not, however, be adequate for what is wanted unix-wise.  Also, the dinosaur
book (which I've not read) by Petersen (?) among others is supposed to be
good (maybe better than Deitel -- it may be more comprehensive).  Again, I am
not certain of its unix coverage.

--Frank Malczewski                        (fdm at

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