System V.4 administration and programming

Craig Hubley craig at
Fri Mar 8 16:06:11 AEST 1991


Obviously System V.4 isn't real common as yet (only box I've seen actually
running it is the Amiga 3000), but I need to find something, ANYTHING, on 
system administration and the programming interface to V.4.  Stuff on the
Korn shell is welcome too, although that's easier to find.

Courses, manuals, books, articles, tutorials, ftp-able online documents, 
anything.  It would be useful to find articles that described the differences
between SysV.1-3 and SysV.4, but that is less important than finding something
that gives a coherent overview from scratch.

Please mail as I don't often get the chance to read this group,
I'll repost any responses.


  Craig Hubley   "...get rid of a man as soon as he thinks himself an expert."
  Craig Hubley & Associates------------------------------------Henry Ford Sr.
  craig at gpu.utcs.Utoronto.CA   UUNET!utai!utgpu!craig   craig at utorgpu.BITNET
  craig at gpu.utcs.toronto.EDU   {allegra,bnr-vpa,decvax}!utcsri!utgpu!craig

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