dynamic linking

Andrew Davidson aed at netcom.COM
Fri Mar 15 11:33:26 AEST 1991

I have been having some trouble with dynamic linking and loading.

1) I am using Wilson Ho's dld-3.2.1
        sunos 4.1.1  on a sparc  station 1+

I can get dld to correctly link and load c object files in to my c++
application, but I can not get dld to work with c++ object files.
fails. Could this because c++ mangels names? Is there anyway to figure
out what
the name of the function in the object file is?

2) has anyone tried dynamic linking using the dlopen() functions
provided in
dlfcn.h. I looked at the header file and noticed that the prototype is
in the
K&R style not ANSI style.

Thanks in advance

                  "bede-bede-bede Thats all Folks"
				Porky Pig
Andy Davidson
Woodside CA.
aed at netcom.COM

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