Password Pipe
Bruce Varney
asg at
Fri Mar 29 03:34:08 AEST 1991
In article <JIK.91Mar27232213 at> jik at (Jonathan I. Kamens) writes:
} It is a sad comment on what comp.unix.wizards has become that when
}someone posts a message to the newsgroup asking a question that is
}specifically answered in the comp.unix.questions FAQ posting, three
}people post responses that are less correct than the FAQ's answer (not
}quite "wrong," but definitely sub-obtimal) and that don't even mention
}the fact that the FAQ answers the question.
What an insulting asshole.
}If this article has expired at your site and you do not want to wait
}until it is posted again, you can get a copy of it using the
}instructions at the end of this posting.
} Please read the FAQ posting before posting further questions to this
}newsgroup. The fact that the question is answered in the FAQ implies
}that it should not have been posted in comp.unix.wizards.
And the fact that you are a dick implies that you should not post to
}Jonathan Kamens USnail:
Get out your UShammers!!!
Hey - you told me to point out the next time you were condescending.
sar.casm \'sa:r-.kaz-*m\ \sa:r-'kas-tik\ \-ti-k(*-)le-\ n [F sarcasme, fr.
LL sarcasmos, fr. Gk sarkasmos, fr. sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips
in rage, sneer, fr. sark-, sarx flesh; akin to Av thwar*s to cut] 1: a
cutting, hostile, or contemptuous remark : GIBE 2: the use of caustic or
ironic language - sar.cas.tic aj
### ##
Courtesy of Bruce Varney ### #
aka -> The Grand Master #
asg at ### ##### #
PUCC ### #
;-) # #
;'> # ##
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