need help selecting a topic to parallalize..

conslt12 at conslt12 at
Sat Mar 9 07:41:27 AEST 1991

Dear Friend, 
I am taking PARALLEL COMPUTING and need some help for ideas. I have to select 
a topic which will be good to parallelise. I have to say why it is a good 
topic to parallalize and I have to write a code for it using C language
in SEQUENT 1-7processor must be used. (If you have ideas for Hyper Qube
simulater @ AT&T 3b2 machine it will work to).

If you have parallelize some thing interesting and got a good speed up
please let me know
If you have an idea which you think would be good if parallelized please
let me know.

Thanks for your time in advance.

Tolga Tosyali

phone (402) 593-2094
fax   (402) 593-1198

tolga at
conslt12 at

tolga at unoma1
conslt12 at unoma1

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