DVMA driver worked under SunOS 4..0.3 doesn't under 4.1

Marcus Gates marc at aplpy.jhuapl.edu
Thu Mar 7 05:42:49 AEST 1991

    We have a device in vme32d32 space on a sun 4/260 which uses DVMA. The
driver works under 4.0.3 SunOS but when we switched to SunOS 4.1 (and 4.1.1)
the device no longer works prpoperly.  One difference I'm aware of is that
the 32-bit VMEbus address space allocation was changed between 4.0.3 and 4.1.
The driver uses mbsetup() to double-map buffers into kernel DVMA space and also
into usr address space, 4.1 Release notes mention a new routine mb_mapalloc()
for allocating DVMA space but says the old mbsetup(), mbrelse() should work.
    The symptoms make it look like there might be a conflict between Sunview and
this driver (one is overwriting data needed by the other?).  Occasionally the
driver will work for an extended period of time but in that case all other
processes appear to be given no time so nothing else (including logins) runs
and the system is hung.
    Any clues would be greatly appreciated as we would very much like to be
able to run this device on newer suns which will undoubtedly come with 4.1.1
or something even newer installed.
				marc gates
				johns hopkins applied physics lab, laurel, md
				UUCP: ...bpa!cp1!aplcen!aplvax!marc
				Internet: marc at aplpy.jhuapl.edu

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