POSIX bashing (Was Re: Retaining file permissions)

Heiko Blume src at scuzzy.in-berlin.de
Sun Mar 10 06:58:43 AEST 1991

terryl at sail.LABS.TEK.COM writes:
>I don't like it as much as
>a REAL BSD(TM of someone out there, I'm sure!!! (-:).
>     Why??? I can still backspace over my prompt......

try tcsh then. (of course i'd kill for a real BSD too :-)
      Heiko Blume <-+-> src at scuzzy.in-berlin.de <-+-> (+49 30) 691 88 93
                  public UNIX source archive [HST V.42bis]:
        scuzzy Any ACU,f 38400 6919520 gin:--gin: nuucp sword: nuucp
                     uucp scuzzy!/src/README /your/home

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