usleep under Vax/Ultrix

Root Boy Jim rbj at uunet.UU.NET
Tue Mar 26 15:13:27 AEST 1991

In article <2171 at estevax.UUCP> iain at estevax.UUCP (Hr Iain Lea) writes:
?I could not find the function  usleep().
?Checked the man pages but could not find it.
?Also did a nm on libc.a and that was negative.
?Checked a Vax/BSD machine and that has it.

Try extracting usleep.o from BSD's libc.a and using it under Ultrix!
Or get the source and recompile.

?I thought Ultrix used BSD as its porting base, so what happened ?

Probably 4.2 vs 4.3.

?Anyway can someone tell me what to use on Ultrix and probably SysV 
?in place of  usleep() ?

Usleep is just a wrapper around setitimer. The key word is "just",
as it must coexist with any previous use of itimers.

You can also use select with a subsecond sleep.

I don't think System V Release 3 has a subsecond sleep. Probably in SVR4.
		[rbj at uunet 1] stty sane
		unknown mode: sane

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