UUCP on Courier HST with Trailblazer

Greg Andrews gandrews at netcom.COM
Sat Mar 23 03:22:50 AEST 1991

In article <1401 at logixwi.UUCP> jpm at logixwi.UUCP (Jan-Piet Mens) writes:
>	I am desperately trying to get a UUCP hook-up between a Courier HST
>	Dual Standard modem and a Telebit Trailblazer T2000. What I need
>	to know is how can I get the two modems to communicate at a speed
>	of above 2400 bd ?

I'm afraid that the fastest speed the modems have in common is 2400 bps.
The Telebit T2000 has 300, 1200, 2400, and PEP.  The USR DS has 300, 1200,
2400, 9600 (V.32), and HST.

The Telebit modems that would be able to communicate with the USR DS
faster than 2400 bps are the T2500 or T1600.  Those modems each have
the 9600 V.32 modulation.

|  Greg Andrews   |       UUCP: {apple,amdahl,claris}!netcom!gandrews    |
|                 |   Internet: gandrews at netcom.COM                      |

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