Wizard-level stuff...

Craig P McLaughlin cpm00 at duts.ccc.amdahl.com
Fri Mar 1 08:33:31 AEST 1991

In article <1991Feb26.214811.6697 at bradley.bradley.edu> data at buhub.bradley.edu (Mark Hall) writes:
>                                                  Let's get some wizard-level
>stuff going!

  Okay, let's try this -- sorry if it doesn't qualify...
How would one go about adapting a single-threaded filesystem to a UNIX-style
multi-threaded filesystem?  Just what kind of changes are going to be needed?

Craig McLaughlin   cpm00 at duts.ccc.amdahl.com   V:(408)737-5502
   These thoughts are mine and mine alone, so don't blame Amdahl!

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