X25 question

Carlos A. F. Brefe SUBREFE%orion.cpqd.ansp.br at uicvm.uic.edu
Tue Mar 19 03:58:10 AEST 1991

        Dear Netlanders,

        I'd like to know if someone have experience in connecting a PC (Xenix
386) to an X25 network, to act as a BBS host. In particular, I need to know
about boards, software etc.

        Any help will be very appreciated!

        Thanks in advance.

 | Carlos Alberto Fonseca Brefe     || E-mail: subrefe at venus.cpqd.ansp.br    |
 | CPqD/Telebras [CASC]             || PSI: (724) 11920020::SUBREFE (Brasil) |
 | Cx. Postal 1579                  || Tel. :  +55 192 59 1522               |
 | 13085 Campinas, SP - Brasil      || Fax  :  +55 192 53 4754               |

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