
Ronnie Kon ronnie at mindcraft.com
Tue Mar 5 06:08:11 AEST 1991

In article <1991Feb28.201441.2508 at watcgl.waterloo.edu> mimperat at watcgl.waterloo.edu (Marco Imperatore) writes:
>                                    I'm sure that if you really are a
>wizard, your time is much too valuable to be wasted answering such questions.

	Not to mention reading dumb postings such as this one.  (Note the
intended ambiguity as to what the word "this" refers to).


Ronnie B. Kon                         |
kon at groundfog.stanford.edu            |    "I like that everyone becomes food."
...!{decwrl,ames}!mindcrf!ronnie      |               -- Hobbes

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