starting a process as another user during startup

Jean-Pierre Radley jpr at
Thu May 23 14:27:26 AEST 1991

In article <8646 at> coleman at (Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672) writes:
>I have a shell script currently that cron runs as a user
>called nbsnet which starts up a monitoring program and is 
>left to run throughout the day. At the end of the day, this 
>user's cron will kill the process and do some work with the
>data it received. 
>I take the machine down once a month for backups, etc but
>this process is never restarted ( I have reset it in cron now)
>What I would like to do is have the rc.local run this script
>and start up this monitoring program as a part of its startup 
>but I want it to start the process so the user is nbsnet not
>root. Is there a way to do this and if so, how?

su nbsnet -c "your_script and arguments thereto"

Jean-Pierre Radley   Unix in NYC   jpr at   jpradley!jpr   CIS: 72160,1341

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