Shared libraries (was Re: Window system bashing (was Re: X11 bashing))

Larry McVoy lm at slovax.Eng.Sun.COM
Wed May 8 15:45:06 AEST 1991

bzs at (Barry Shein) writes:
> >Dynamically linked shared libraries (a la Sun) will incur a performance hit,
> >but it is completely misleading to talk about the hit in percentage terms.
> Have you actually made any attempt to measure this effect? Or are you
> just drawing conclusions from a few facts you have lying around?

I have (made an attempt to measure it).  I measured:

	main() { exit(0); }

statically and dynamically on an SS1 (20 MHZ sparc).  I found that
dynamically linked version cost about 20milliseconds more than
statically linked version.

I do not know (not having measured it and not really groking how
dynamic linking works) if each libc reference costs 20milliseconds on
first reference.   I hope not.
Larry McVoy, Sun Microsystems     (415) 336-7627       ...!sun!lm or lm at

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