Length of User names

TANNERC at cu18.crl.aecl.ca TANNERC at cu18.crl.aecl.ca
Fri May 31 06:22:31 AEST 1991

Hi all

I am investigating establishing a standard policy for deriving user
names for UNIX systems at our site, and am a bit upset at the
restriction that all UNIX systems (that I saw) have for the user name
- 8 characters. VMS allows 15 (I believe, and Control Data's allows

I am wondering if there is any move in the UNIX area to change the
allow length of the users login name from 8 to say 12.



Chris Tanner                          Tannerc at CU18.CRL.AECL.CA
AECL Research
Chalk River Ont.
Canada K0J 1J0

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