BSD tty security, part 3: How to Fix It

John F Haugh II jfh at
Mon May 6 23:10:34 AEST 1991

In article <17916:May522:46:2091 at> brnstnd at (Dan Bernstein) writes:
>It won't be any extra work if they pick the current maximum fd and
>kludge getdtablesize() to subtract 1 from its answer. In any case, all
>that's important for security is that *some* file descriptor be used
>rather than the old /dev/tty driver.

Naw, this is still more than you have to do.  What happens if I move
u.u_ttyd from the u-page to the process table?  The reason you want to
use a file descriptor is because the file table is accessible - u_ttyd
isn't.  How about fixing that problem instead of creating another
John F. Haugh II        | Distribution to  | UUCP: ...!!rpp386!jfh
Ma Bell: (512) 255-8251 | GEnie PROHIBITED :-) |  Domain: jfh at
"If liberals interpreted the 2nd Amendment the same way they interpret the
 rest of the Constitution, gun ownership would be mandatory."

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