Should Dan post full details of his tty bugs?

bill bill at
Sun May 5 06:14:46 AEST 1991

In article <1991May3.183159.23747 at> 
        chogan at (Christine Hogan) writes:
: In <4601 at> richard at (Richard Tobin) writes:
: >For this reason I believe it would be best for Dan to post full details
: >of the various loopholes.
: I disagree.  I _don't_ have sources and I _do_ have lots
: of idle undergrads lapping up this discussion and dying
: for all the damaging details to be posted.  Dan is doing
: exactly the right thing for my predicament.

You are in a fool's paradise. At least one of your undergrads is 
smart enough to figure out what to do with the hole given the 
clues already posted and to cover himself after using it. For as 
long as you remain ignorant of the details, you are prevented from
taking preventative action.

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