starting a process as another user during startup

Joe Konczal konczal at
Fri May 17 04:45:46 AEST 1991

   From: Sean Sheridan Coleman X5672 <coleman at>
   Date: 15 May 91 07:07:31 GMT

   What I would like to do is have the rc.local run this script
   and start up this monitoring program as a part of its startup 
   but I want it to start the process so the user is nbsnet not
   root. Is there a way to do this and if so, how?

   Your assistance is appreciated. Without the net, my job would
   be twice as hard.

   coleman at
   Sean Coleman
   Boulder, CO

Try "su nbsnet -c script", where script is the actual name of the
script you want to start.  Other possible variations of this command
line are described in the manual pages for su(1).

BTW, this question probably should have been sent to info-unix or

Joe Konczal
konczal at

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