shutdown(8) Versus haltsys(8)

Steven M. List itkin at mrspoc.Transact.COM
Wed Mar 27 11:44:49 AEST 1991

andy at (Andy Piziali) writes:

>What are the exact differences between these two programs?  What does shutdown
>do that haltsys does not?

Haltsys just shuts down the system ( I believe it shuts down the file
systems nicely).  Shutdown sends out warnings, sends signals to all the
user processes, and then goes through whatever you might have in files
in /etc/shutdown.d and stuff.  So shutdown is much friendlier to users
and does a cleaner job of shutting down the system.  Haltsys is for when
you're in a REAL hurry and don't care too much about users or database
syncs or that kinda stuff.
 :                Steven List @ Transact Software, Inc. :^>~                  :
 :           Chairman, Unify User Group of Northern California                :
 :                         itkin at Transact.COM                                 :

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