Disappearing files from uucppublic

Stephen J. Walick steve at nshore.uucp
Wed Oct 31 01:31:48 AEST 1990

Thanks to anyone who can give an answer to this mystery.  Am running
SCO-Xenix 2.3.3 on an i386 and files "copied" ( copy -om [fn] [dir] )
to the < /usr/spool/uucppublic > directory are disappearing from that
directory sometime during the night (I think).  Files downloaded "to"
that directory remain there, but *only* the files copied from other
filesystems seem to mysteriously disappear.  I'm suspecting it might
have something to do with the < ~/uudemon.clean > file (which "should"
only clean the < ~/uucp > directory), but have not determined that as
a definite fact.  I cannot determine the exact time of the deletions,
why they are occurring or how to avoid the problem.

I have created an endless loop script to check on the existance of
the files in < ~/uucppublic > and to copy them back if they disappear,
but *that* should not be necessary at all.

If anyone has any insites, you may either post to this newgroup (I
do read it often) or email to: "uunet!ncoast!nshore!steve" (I am re-
gistered, but the path would default to a machine that only polls me
once a day (soon to be fixed)).

Thanks again, and regards....  Steve Walick


Stephen J. Walick, Asst Sysop of the  < XBBS >  program  at  NCoast.ORG
{uunet|backnone}!nshore!steve                         steve at nshore.uucp

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