Date Highlighted in SHELL !

Cliff Manis cmanis at
Thu Sep 6 00:27:00 AEST 1990

                   Bourne Shell Script  -   HELP needed

Some months ago I got part of this script from the net and have modified
it to highlight the actual date of the month.

At present it will highlight the date if the date is two digit only, and I
have not  been able to make it highlight the first 9 days of the month. We
are using SCO 2.3.1 and any help would be appreciated... 

and Thanks..   Cliff Manis

Please also mail direct to:  cmanis at

# 0datehigh

tod=`date +%m`
tod2=`date +%y`
cal $tod 19$tod2 | sed '/^$/d' > $tmp
sed 's/^/                           /' $tmp > $tmp2
tod=`date +%d`
sed 's/'$tod'/'`echo "\033[7m$tod\033[0m"`'/' $tmp2 > $tmp
tod=`date +%y`
sed 's/'$tod'/'`echo "$tod"`'/' $tmp > $tmp2
sed 's/^/'`echo "\033[36m"`'/' $tmp2 > $tmp
tod=`date +%d`
cat $tmp2
rm $tmp $tmp2
# /end of script/

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