reading CMOS (BIOS) from Xenix

Ross Oliver rosso at sco.COM
Sat Sep 8 08:16:14 AEST 1990

In article <6918 at ozdaltx.UUCP> root at ozdaltx.UUCP (root) writes:
>Is there a way to read the CMOS (bios) from within xenix
>without having to shutdown and reboot under dos?

The cmos(HW) command allows you to do this.  The manual
entry is in the Hardware section rather than Commands,
which is probably why you didn't find it.

I'll take this opportunity to plug a little-known but very
helpful section of the manual, the permuted index.  It is
a listing of the titles of all the manual entries in the
operating system, development system, and text processing
manuals, permuted so that each word of every title is
listed alphabetically.  It is a great place to look if you
are trying to find a command to do something, but you
don't know the name of the command or the section of the
manual it is in.

Ross Oliver
Technical Support
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.

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