SCO Unix 3.2r2 (MMDF)
Don O'Shaughnessy
root at eastern.COM
Mon Apr 15 23:53:57 AEST 1991
emanuele at overlf.UUCP (Mark A. Emanuele) writes:
>> file doesn't directly know about. I thought I understood that there is soft-
>> ware that will convert the uucp maps off the net into these files. Any help
If you have pathalias 10 installed, the following shell script will do the
job for you.
Edit for local customization
----------------------------------- cut here ----------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# Create domain and channel tables from the pathalias database
# Mark Vasoll
# Computing and Information Sciences Internet: vasoll at
# Oklahoma State University UUCP: {cbosgd, ihnp4, rutgers, seismo,
# Stillwater, Oklahoma uiucdcs}!okstate!vasoll
VALIDDOMS="edu gov mil com org net arpa ar at au be ca ch cl de dk es fi fr gr ie il is it jp jpn junet kr lk my net nl no nz pt se sg su th uk us yu"
# create pathalias output, separate into domain and non-domain entries
pathalias -v $MAPFILE d.* u.* >$PATHS
egrep '[^ ]*\.[^ ]* ' <$PATHS | sed 's/^\.//' | sort -fu >$DOMAINS
egrep -v '[^ ]*\.[^ ]* ' <$PATHS >$NODOM
# generate some interesting stats
awk '{split($2, arr, "!"); print arr[1];}' <$PATHS >$SUMMARY
echo count neighbor
sort <$SUMMARY | uniq -c
# clobber old output files
rm root.dom uucp.dom uucp.chn /tmp/wk$$ 2>/dev/null
# use only those entries that contain valid top-levels
for i in $VALIDDOMS
egrep -i "\.$i[ ]" $DOMAINS >>/tmp/wk$$
# generate a "fake" .UUCP domain table for "non-domain" UUCP sites
# to belong to. also make a suplimental "top-domain" table that
# includes the domains from pathalias. also make the UUCP channel
# table.
awk '{printf "%s:%s.UUCP\n", $1, $1;}' $NODOM >uucp.dom
awk '{printf "%s.UUCP:%s\n", $1, $2;}' $NODOM >uucp.chn
awk '{printf "%s:%s\n", $1, $1;}' /tmp/wk$$ >root.dom
awk '{printf "%s:%s\n", $1, $2;}' /tmp/wk$$ >>uucp.chn
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Don O'Shaughnessy | Public Affairs Services, Toronto CAN
...!{uunet, lsuc, moore}!eastern!don | V: 1 416 281 4756 F: 1 416 283 7637
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