Connect Speed
Larry Snyder
larry at
Tue Apr 30 00:26:35 AEST 1991
bbs at alchemy.UUCP (BBS Administration) writes:
>Here's the problem:
>The BBS program we're writing always reports the connect speed to be this
>speed (19,200 bps) when appending a caller log file. We need to fix this
>speed so that if a user calls in using some kind of compression protocol
>we can take advantage of it by sending data to the modem faster than the
>connect speed between modems, but at the same time, we'd like to know
>what the >actual< speed is between the modems.
why not modify (or replace) getty to accept the return rate from
the modem (ie: CONNECT FAST, CONNECT 2400, etc.) and pass that to
the BBS - while keeping the DTE locked at 19200?
We have such a getty here on nstar in our archives..
Larry Snyder, NSTAR Public Access Unix 219-289-0287/317-251-7391
regional UUCP mapping coordinator
{larry at, ..!uunet!!larry}
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