Garbled output installing xenix
Glen Barney
glen at sungate.UUCP
Thu Apr 25 00:20:52 AEST 1991
In article <91113.131135MSR113 at>, MSR113 at (Matt Richmond) writes:
> Hi all.. I am running a 386SX compatible with a Trident 8800 series
> video card and Imtec 1453Q monitor. I recently bought a used version
> of xenix (I got 286 version because, you guessed it, it was CHEAP! :-)
You must have the 386 version of Xenix to run on a 386. Xenix-286 will not
run on a 386-based system.
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Glen Barney 301-258-5338 It'll take time, but we're going far,
InterNet: glen%sungate at uunet.UU.NET you and me, I know we are. In time,
BangPath: uunet!sungate!glen we'll be dancing in the streets all night
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