Scott Scheingold
scott at phlpa.UUCP
Thu Apr 11 01:14:29 AEST 1991
I am very sorry if this message shows up more than once,
problems with my news poster.
I have a question regarding prioritys. When I priority is
set for a user and this user executes a file that sets the user
id to the owner of a file. Who gets the priorty the user executing the file
or the owner of the file.
An example of this would be as follows.
-rwsr-sr-x 2 news news 90612 Apr 03 11:17 rnews
Now this program is started by uucp but it is set to use news UID but
when this program is run a ps -ef shows that uucp is running the
program. If a priority of say 30 was put on this so it would not
take as much cpu time who would get the setting. uucp or news.
I am running SCO UNIX SYS V/386 Rel. 3.2.2
Thanks for the help.
Scott Scheingold
UUCP ...!lgnp1!phlpa!scott
INTERNET scott at lgnp1!phlpa
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