Printing Working Directory in CSH (or SH for that matter)
Steven M. List
itkin at mrspoc.Transact.COM
Tue Apr 30 06:15:22 AEST 1991
root at swatty.UUCP (Superuser) writes:
>Does anybody know how to set the prompt in csh so that the current directory
>name (eg., /usr/lib/uucp) is printed (kind of like a dos $p$g), also can this
>be done is sh...
Here's how I do it - works quite nicely, and the delay when changing
directories is minimal:
set UID = `id | sed 's/uid=\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/'`
if ($UID == 0) then
set uname = "`uname -n`-ROOT"
set uname = `uname -n`
alias cd 'chdir \!* ; set prompt = "-${uname}:`pwd`-\! > "'
cd .
note that the final "cd ." is executed in .cshrc when the alias is set
up so that the prompt will be set the first time.
: Steven List @ Transact Software, Inc. :^>~ :
: Chairman, Unify User Group of Northern California :
: itkin at Transact.COM :
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