Incomplete Xenix- Help?
Seng-Poh Lee, Speedy
splee at
Sun Apr 21 02:50:54 AEST 1991
In article <72003 at eerie.acsu.Buffalo.EDU> v127p9xg at writes:
>I recently purchased from a friend a copy of 'Xenix Sys V Operating System
>v2.1'. I found it to be incomplete. The disks I have are all 360k 5.25's, I
> ** Stuff deleted **
>Does Xenix have (or have available) the option to open a 'Dos Window', so I can
>run more than one MS-DOS task at once?
I assume you are talking about Xenix 286, since you have a 286. Xenix 286
does NOT allow you to run DOS tasks. To do that, you need a 386, Xenix 386
or similiar and a package like VP/ix or DosMerge or SimulTask, which is extra.
>I have 4 megs on my '286. I assume no problems accessing this extended mem?
>If the responses to the above are favorable.. Id like to install this.. Any
>suggestions on where I could purchase <JUST> the needed disks?
>I hear V2.1 is old.. are the updates significant enough to warrant jdumping
>this whole ver and buying a new copy?
Given that you don't have an installable set anyway, it doesn't seem like
you have much choice.
Seng-Poh Lee
splee at
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