Brian D. Stark
stark at
Thu Apr 18 05:24:59 AEST 1991
I am currently running xenix 2.3.2 on a 386 33 mhz machine w/ 8 meg
memory. We have the developement system release 2.3.1/1.1.0. We
are trying to compile some kermit source code that we FTP'd from
columbia university. We are able to compile it by adding the following
parameters to the command line in the makefile: -DUID_T=int and
-DGID_T=int, we get several redefined warning errors, along with some
warning errors about our types.h file (newline expected after ifdef).
After compiling however we are getting a segmentation fault, is there
anyone out there with a similar machine that runs kermit? If so could
you e-mail me information on how you aquired and installed it.
Much Thanks,
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