UUCP Protocol Problems between AT&T Unix and SCO Xenix
neal at mnopltd.UUCP
neal at mnopltd.UUCP
Sat Apr 13 10:48:54 AEST 1991
->In article <192 at mnopltd.UUCP> emory!mnopltd!neal writes:
->>Lets not start any Xenophobic wars over this.
-> Fair enough...
->>Our System is Xenix 2.3.2. (the HDB version) It converses with dozens
->>of other Unix and Xenix systems.
->>We are trying to connect System X as a leaf node. It is running an
->>AT&T 386 running AT&T Unix 3.2.2. They do not as of yet converse with
->>anybody. After doing all the configurational poop, we find that
->>sessions fail in both directions.
->>If Xenix calls AT&T Unix, we go through the login, startup, but fail to
->>establish the 'g' protocol. The sequence of log stuff is:
-> [stuff deleted from the Uutry log]
->>Sounds like we have a protocol incompatibility between the two, and I don't see
->>anything left for me to adjust. Anyone seen it and/or a correction to either
->>uucp to fix?
->I have seen this quite a few times, especially with MNP Modems. Make sure
->that your Devices and Dialers files are correct - in every case, that is
->where the changes are made to correct the above mentioned trouble.
->It seems that the script that AT&T put in for their own 2224CEO gives you
->only *one* choice, yet the modem/BNU can be optioned for about six different
->modes (e,g,u). Hack away at those two files. One symptom is that 'cu'
->works fine both in/out, and that you can send files but not receive (on
->about 50% of the cases.)
Thanks to everyone that responded here. It turned out to be the AT&T 2224CEO
modem. Once I went out to the other site, I noticed it defaults to provide
Xon/Xoff on the modem side, and the Dialers script does not turn it off.
Neal Rhodes MNOP Ltd (404)- 972-5430
President Lilburn (atlanta) GA 30247 Fax: 978-4741
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