SCO response to the problem of daylight savings time
Scott Scheingold
scott at phlpa.UUCP
Thu Apr 11 13:46:00 AEST 1991
I spoke to SCO today and got into the 5 minute express queue and
spoke to one of there tech support people and much to my surprise
the guy told me (after having me on hold for 10 min) That SCO had
just found out about the cron problem yesterday.(I tend to think that
mabe they knew before yesterday. Then again I may be wrong).
The problem is with the source code to cron. He told me that
when cron is started it then resets itself and counts how many
seconds that it will be until the next time it will run again.
It does not read the clock except for the first time that you
bring up the system. So when the clock changes it is still counting
the seconds until it will run and they are not adjusted accordingly
when there is a time change. He advised me that SCO would be
working on a fix and that he could not tell me when this would be
done. He said that it would most likely be an SLS for downloading
from there anaon uucp but he was not sure.
I just thought all of you would be interested.
Scott Scheingold
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