Protected Password Data Base
W. Paul Zola
paulz at sco.COM
Fri Apr 12 08:41:22 AEST 1991
In article <328 at secola.Columbia.NCR.COM> tduncan at secola.Columbia.NCR.COM (Terry S. Duncan) writes:
} I have recently installed SCO (with relaxed security). I am trying
}to create a user with superuser privilages. Is this possible? I am also
}trying to delete a user (retire is not what I had in mind). Is this possible?
}Where is this "Protected Password Data Base"?
} I think SCO took this security thing a little too far.
The following articles from the SCO Information Tools database should help
with your problems. Sorry about the length, but I think this may be
of general interest.
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How to remove a user on SCO UNIX System V/386?
KEYWORDS: unix remove existence user custom c2 password tcb group unx257 rmuser
RELEASE: SCO UNIX System V/386 Operating System Generic
Open Desktop Generic
PROBLEM: How do I remove a user from SCO UNIX System V/386?
SOLUTION: Install Support Level Supplement (SLS) unx257. This SLS provides
the rmuser(ADM) utility which will allow you to completely remove
a user from the system.
SEE ALSO: The item in this databse describing SLS unx257.
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I want to use either the C or Korn shell as root.
KEYWORDS: root csh ksh korn shell .login /etc/passwd password database bad hz hertz value unix
RELEASE: SCO UNIX System V/386 Operating System Generic
Open Desktop Generic
PROBLEM: How do I set up a root csh or ksh account under SCO UNIX System V/386
or Open Desktop? I want to use either the "C" or Korn shell as root.
CAUSE: By default, the "root" login uses the standard Bourne shell,
/bin/sh. This is in fact necessary for correct system operation;
the default shell of the "root" login must not be changed.
Changing it can lead to mysterious "Bad Hertz Value" messages
from programs such as df(C) and mount(C) and may have more
serious consequences.
SOLUTION: It is not difficult to create an alternate root login that uses the
shell of your choice. It is necessary to use a user name other than
"root" because some components of the system require the "root"
login to use the Bourne shell.
The steps to create a C or Korn shell root login are simple, but
it is recommended that you perform them after a complete system
backup, in case anything goes wrong.
In the example, accounts named "rootcsh" and "rootksh" will be
created. Note that it is your responsibility to set up the login
environment using .cshrc or .kshrc files; no such files will be
created automatically. When setting up the Korn shell, be sure
not to make changes to /.profile which would markedly change the
environment of "root".
The steps involve directly editing /etc/passwd and the protected
password database. Because of this, they MUST be performed from
System Maintenance (single-user) mode. Before beginning, shut
down the system with shutdown(ADM); reboot and enter the root
password to enter System Maintenance Mode.
First, new protected password database entries must be created
for the new accounts. Start by copying root's entry:
# cd /tcb/files/auth
# cp r/root r/rootcsh
# cp r/root r/rootksh
If you want to use different user name(s), be sure to create the
files in the correct subdirectory of /tcb/files/auth, corresponding
to the first letter of the chosen user name.
Now edit the new entries as follows:
Find each occurrence of the name "root" and replace it with the new
name, EXCEPT the item "u_type=root". "u_type=root" does not refer
to the user name and must remain the same. Use vi(C) or the editor
of your choice. Do NOT use a word processor that uses special
characters for formatting. Be very careful not to change the format
of the files in any way; change only the name entries. If the
format of these protected password files, or of /etc/passwd is
damaged, you may not be able to log into the system at all.
The default /tcb/files/auth/r/root file looks like this (Note:
lines marked with '*' were split in order to fit on the page):
* :u_type=root:u_owner=root:u_cmdpriv=audit,auth,backup,
* :u_syspriv=configaudit,writeaudit,execsuid,nopromain,
An equivalent entry for a rootcsh account looks like this (in
* :u_type=root:u_owner=rootcsh:u_cmdpriv=audit,auth,backup,
* :u_syspriv=configaudit,writeaudit,execsuid,nopromain,
* :u_pswduser=rootcsh:u_pickpw:u_genpwd:u_restrict@:
Next you need to edit /etc/passwd. Find the "root" entry and make
a copy of it for each new account. Carefully change the user name
of each entry from "root" to the new name. Then change the shell
field to the desired shell. This is the last field of the record;
it should currently either be blank or read "/bin/sh". If it is
blank, append "/bin/csh" or "/bin/ksh" AFTER the last colon (:) on
the line. If it reads "/bin/sh", just add the necessary "c" or
"k". (Note that the Korn shell is not available under SCO UNIX
System V/386 Release 3.2 or Open Desktop Release 1.0.0).
The default /etc/passwd entry for "root" looks like this:
After editing /etc/passwd, the "root" entry should be the
same. However, a new entry, such as the one that follows,
should be present:
rootksh:*:0:1:Superuser account with Korn shell:/:/bin/ksh
Remove the user and group map files; they will be re-created
when the system is rebooted:
# rm /etc/auth/system/pw_id_map /etc/auth/system/gr_id_map
Finally, run sysadmsh(ADM). Select Accounts -> User -> Examine
and enter the name of the new account. Choose "Privileges". You
must make a trivial change to the privileges and save them, in
order to activate the changes made in the protected password
database. It is sufficient to add "lp" to the end of the
Subsystem list. Even though "lp" is already in the list,
sysadmsh will be fooled into believing you have made a change.
It will then ask if you wish to have the modification take
effect. Enter yes. Now choose "Identity". Move to the Groups
list and enter all the groups in which "root" is a member. (You
may use sysadmsh to examine the "root" account, or you may use the
command "grep root /etc/group".)
You can now reboot the system and log in as "rootcsh", "rootksh"
or whatever account you have created. Remember, as always, to be
very careful when you are running with root privileges and to do
so only when it is necessary for system maintenance tasks.
NOTE: Be aware that the passwords for the different "root"
accounts will be distinct. They will start out the same
because the new accounts' protected password entries will
have been duplicated from "root". But when you change root's
password as part of your regular security measures, be sure to
change the other accounts' passwords as well. It is probably
safest to use the same password for all root accounts since
breaking into any one of them completely compromises system
security; there is no point in having several different strings
which a potential troublemaker might be able to guess.
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I hope this helps you with your problem.
Paul Zola Software Support Engineer
paulz at sco.COM
Gotta tend the earth if you want a rose. - Emily Saliers
DISCLAIMER: I speak for myself, and not for SCO.
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