Xenix ported Software
Glen Barney
glen at sungate.UUCP
Wed Apr 24 00:32:31 AEST 1991
In article <3834 at polari.UUCP>, corwin at polari.UUCP (Don Glover) writes:
> Does anyone know if the anomaly site for uucp of Xenix ported software
> still exists I have not see a post from them for awhile.
Anomaly is definitely still on line and working well! Here's the information,
for all those who are interested...
* The (unofficial) XENIX Ported Software Compendium *
Date Of Last Update: January 19, 1991
The Ported Software Compendium is a non-inclusive list of software which has
been ported to the XENIX operating system. All files can be downloaded from
ANOMALY. Anonymous FTP is currently not available, but we are working on it.
Due to the size of the listing, it can no longer be posted directly to
COMP.UNIX.XENIX.SCO, or the related SCO mailing lists. Instead, only the
files added to the XENIX archives on ANOMALY will be published in these
groups. Users can obtain the entire listing from ANOMALY via anonymous UUCP
[and eventually FTP.]
Updates to the list should be mailed to: mpd at anomaly.sbs.com
or, for those of you who like bang-paths: ...!uunet!anomaly.sbs.com!mpd
Filenames: The Software List: anomaly!~/SOFTLIST
Miscellaneous Notes: anomaly!~/NOTES
All UUCPable Files: anomaly!~/ls-lR
This software listing is maintained by Michael P. Deignan of Small Business
Systems, Incorporated, and is in no way affiliated with the Santa Cruz
Operation, SCO's employees, or subsidiaries.
For further information contact:
Michael P. Deignan, President
Small Business Systems, Incorporated
Box 17220, Route 104
Esmond, Rhode Island 02917
+1 (401) 273-4669 voice
+1 (401) 823-1447 fax
Anonymous UUCP Information:
Telebit Trailblazer Plus Dial-In: +1 401 455 0347
anomaly.sbs.com!login: xxcp
Password: xenix
To download a file, issue the following uucp request on your machine:
uucp anomaly!~/archives/<filename> yoursite!<to-filename>
All files are stored in /usr/spool/uucppublic/archives on anomaly.
If you have a file to donate to the XENIX archives, then kindly upload
it as follows:
uucp yoursite!<filename> anomaly!~/incoming/<filename>
This will store the file in anomaly's incoming directory for posting to
the archives. Please include a mail message to "mpd" indicating what the
file is, etc.
If you are unable to upload a file to us, but have some that you wish to
contribute, we will be happy to either Anonymous FTP or UUCP them. Just
leave a message to "mpd" with the pertinent information.
Anonymous FTP Information
We are currently working on establishing an FTP connection. Anomaly will be
(hopefully) connected to the Alternet via a 56kbps leased line. Once this
line is active (1st quarter '91) then all sources will be FTPable. Keep the
following information handy, and watch COMP.UNIX.XENIX.SCO for an FTP
availability announcement.
Our tenative IP address is:
login id: ftp
password: ftp
Users experiencing problems FTPing can telnet/rlogin as 'bbs' and leave a
message to the System Administrator for additional help.
* The (unofficial) SCO Ported Software Compendium *
Date Last Updated: January 19, 1991
Updates to this list should be mailed to: mpd at anomaly.sbs.com
or, for those of you who like bang-paths: ...!uunet!anomaly.sbs.com!mpd
This software listing is maintained by Michael P. Deignan of Small Business
Systems, Incorporated, and is in no way affiliated with the Santa Cruz
Operation, SCO's employees, or subsidiaries.
For further information contact:
Michael P. Deignan, President
Small Business Systems, Incorporated
Box 17220, Route 104
Esmond, Rhode Island 02917
+1 (401) 273-4669 voice
+1 (401) 823-1447 fax
Hope this helps!
** --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- **
Glen Barney 301-258-5338 It'll take time, but we're going far,
InterNet: glen%sungate at uunet.UU.NET you and me, I know we are. In time,
BangPath: uunet!sungate!glen we'll be dancing in the streets all night
More information about the Comp.unix.xenix.sco
mailing list