SCO-LIST Mailing List
Bill Campbell
bill at camco.Celestial.COM
Tue Apr 2 15:01:40 AEST 1991
In <1991Mar30.211334.27570 at> jpr at (Jean-Pierre Radley) writes:
>I too was receiving these dups-by-the-dozen, but in the last two days,
>I've not received anything at all from the sco-list.
>Is it hoist on its own petard?
> Jean-Pierre Radley NYC Public Unix jpr at CIS: 72160,1341
I haven't received anything from sco-list since March 26th.
We had a ton of duplicates prior to that, but didn't pass them
through to the sites we feed in the Northwest. I am using
``deliver'' and put a very simple Message-Id check in to DROP
(and log) all duplicate postings.
I think all those duplicates may well have been caused by someone
feeding mail recursively back to uunet!sco-list.
I would like very much to see it working again!
INTERNET: bill at Celestial.COM Bill Campbell; Celestial Software
UUCP: ...!thebes!camco!bill 6641 East Mercer Way
uunet!camco!bill Mercer Island, WA 98040; (206) 947-5591
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