Best way to backup SCO Xenix/UNIX
Fred Rump
fred at
Wed Apr 3 05:01:51 AEST 1991
davidsen at sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) writes:
>In article <aris.670179095 at tabbs> aris at tabbs.UUCP (Aris Stathakis) writes:
>| I'd like to know the best way to do a backup so that I can recover from
>| a FULL crash i.e. having to re-install on a different machine from
>| a tape backup. I'm sure there are lots of ways to do it, like using
>| the standard backup proggram SCO give you, but find it too inflexible.
[long description deleted]
>Hope this isn't a lot more detail than you wanted!
On the other hand you could simply pick up an inexpensive program
like CTAR that does all that for you nightly. When you first
install the program it makes rootable/bootable diskettes for you
and you could be off and running by either slipping a new disk
into a crashed system or taking everything to a different similar
We have this at all of our customer sites and even keep one set
of disks with us just in case the customer loses his.
Fred Rump | Home of Brother John Software
CompuData, Inc. | SCO Advanced Product Center
10501 Drummond Rd. | Bang: {uunet dsinc}!cdin-1!fred (800-223-DATA) Philadelphia, Pa. 19154| Internet: fred at COMPU.COM (215-824-3000)
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