SCO and Internet
Ralf U. Holighaus
ralfi at
Mon Apr 29 19:16:23 AEST 1991
tortajad at sunny9.DAB.GE.COM (Robert Tortajada) writes:
>I am thinking of setting up a SCO system. I have the following equipment:
> 386 25 MHZ
> 8 Meg ram (Max for board)
> 335 MB ESDI 32k Cache Card
> Diamond Speedstar VGA (1 meg)
> Goldstar 14" 1024 X 768 monitor
>What I need to know is this.
>1. Is this enough hardware to run Xwindows single user.
Barely yes. A few Megs more of memory, and you would be really happy.
>2. Is X windows usable on a 14" monitor?
Yes, quiet nicely. You can even define a 'virtual screen' bigger than
the physical screen and then scoll.
>3. Is it possible to get on this network (news and email) from home?
Yes. The news binaries are completely and free available from SCO or
your dealer as a SLS (Support Level Supplement). Email works very nice
with MMDF.
>4. Can I run a bbs so other users can get on the News & Email?
'Course you can.
>P.S. I have never set up a unix system before, but I guess SCO would be the
> software of choice.
Should be no problem, if you know a bit about UNIX.
PEM Programmentwicklungsgesellschaft | Ralf U. Holighaus
fuer Microcomputer mbH | Technical Support
PO-Box 810165 D-7000 Stuttgart 80 Germany | holighaus at
VOICE: x49-711-713045 FAX: x49-711-713047 | ..!unido!pemcom!ralfi
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