tape drive errors, is there a listing
Daniel Wynalda
danielw at wyn386.mi.org
Fri Apr 19 07:05:53 AEST 1991
I have a bunch of 60 MB tape drives in house. They vary from Archive
to Wangtek to Caliper. All of the drives are similar in design and take
the same type of tape cartridge. I have a machine here that doesn't
seem to like my tape drives and I can't find anywhere that explains the
error messages I receive from the drivers.
All of the drives appear to have this characteristic on this machine:
If I TURN OFF the computer, and re-boot SCO Xenix 386 2.2.3 (the
machine is a 33Mhz 80386/33 from DTK), the tape drive will work fine --
for a while. I've noticed I can cause the error in 33Mhz mode, but if I
turn off the cache (turbo mode), things appear to work normally again (after
a reset of the tape drive).
I get one of the following from the kernel on the console when the drive
freezes up.
Wed Apr 17 13:42:58
ct cmd error(2,40)
Wed Apr 17 13:43:38
ct cmd error(2,C0)
Wed Apr 17 13:52:32
ct cmd error(1,60)
I've looked everywhere in the manual and can't find any reference to
these error messages. I'm sure they mean something to someone at SCO
but not to me....
Could someone explain where these come for and what it is I have a problem
with? I see the (1,60) error more than the rest and I imagine its
a speed related problem, but I'm not sure... I get a similar problem with
the Caliper drive on an 80386/25 occasionally -- that machine is running
Xenix 386 2.3.2.
Any hints?
Daniel Wynalda | (616) 866-1561 X22 Ham:N8KUD Net:danielw at wyn386.mi.org
Wynalda Litho Inc. | 8221 Graphic Industrial Pk. | Rockford, MI 49341
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