Garbled output installing xenix
Mark A. Emanuele
emanuele at overlf.UUCP
Sat Apr 27 11:24:33 AEST 1991
In article <554 at sungate.UUCP>, glen at sungate.UUCP (Glen Barney) writes:
> In article <91113.131135MSR113 at>, MSR113 at (Matt Richmond) writes:
> > Hi all.. I am running a 386SX compatible with a Trident 8800 series
> > video card and Imtec 1453Q monitor. I recently bought a used version
> > of xenix (I got 286 version because, you guessed it, it was CHEAP! :-)
> You must have the 386 version of Xenix to run on a 386. Xenix-286 will not
> run on a 386-based system.
> --
> ** --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- --*-- **
> Glen Barney 301-258-5338 It'll take time, but we're going far,
> InterNet: glen%sungate at uunet.UU.NET you and me, I know we are. In time,
> BangPath: uunet!sungate!glen we'll be dancing in the streets all night
eh, I think you got it bassackwards
286 WILL run on 386
386 will NOT run on 286.
Mark A. Emanuele
V.P. Engineering Overleaf, Inc.
218 Summit Ave Fords, NJ 08863
(908) 738-8486 emanuele at overlf.UUCP
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